
Showing posts from October, 2017

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I am preparing the quizzes by doing the weekly exercises posted by prof and the quizzes come out to be good result but test is not as good as I expected. I create an image that I think is really funny which is mirror image. There are things I initially found hard but when I learn it deep through, I discussed with my classmates and its easier for me to understand the concept if I discuss with my classmates together. I don’t usually go to TAs hours because I have conflict within my schedule but I do prefer do ask question by emailing TAs and TAs are really good at responding my questions by providing the detailed explanations. I plan to spend more time on studying the second term test so that I can get a good result. I hope everyone else is doing great in this course and learn a lot. It has been a pleasure being in CSC104.


Define   For simplicity, DrRacket provides a built-in function named define. To express this, enter (define zebra “an image”) and then you’ve already told the computer that this image is defined as zebra. After that, every time you enter zebra, the picture will be the result shown on the screen. In addition, you can do variety of activities by using define function.   For example, I want to see two zebra beside each other, the I will do   (define zebra “an image”) and then type “beside zebra zebra.”   The result will simply be two zebras beside each other.    If there are any confusions, feel free to correct me or advise me!


It is interesting that we can do Math in DrRacket. For example, (+ 1 2) means one plus two and the result is simply three.   (* 1 2 ) means one times two which is equal to two. (/ 3 1) means three divided by one which is equal to three. (- 4 3) means four minus three which is equal to one.    If there are any confusions, feel free to correct me or advise me!