How to use map and apply

How to use map? For example, I have a function
(map string-length
(list “cat” “dog” “fish” “banana”))
I simply do
(list (string-length “cat”) (string-length “dog”) (string-length “fish”) (string-length “banana”))
The answer will be
(list 3 3 4 6)
This is how we use map, we bring all the listed elements into the function and return a new list.

How to use apply? For example, I have a function,
(apply string-append
(list “cat” “dog” “fish” “banana”))
I simply do
(apply string-append
 “cat” “dog” “fish” “banana”)
The answer will be

This is how we use apply, we bring all the elements into one function and return it together.


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